Fly with Kite

This is the ultimate discount collaboration program, where Kite Business Solutions teams up with a multitude of companies and businesses in Nottingham and across the UK to bring you exclusive promotions. Unlock incredible savings and unique offers while experiencing the exceptional services of Kite. Soar to new heights with Kite and watch your savings take flight!

How does it work? After subscribing to our program, you can access your “Passport” here showing your exclusive discounts in our partners’ businesses. Just show it to the shop and receive their promotions for Kite Flyer.

Check out Partner’s Promotions here

Important notice: To prevent the account misuse, please upload a picture showing only your face (which can’t be changed later). The account with a invalid profile picture will not receive the promotions.

  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • NOTICE: To prevent the account misuse, please make sure that you only include a picture of your face. After your picture is processed, you will able to register.
  • After signing up, please wait for an activation email to be sent to your inbox. This can take up to 5 minutes. If you can’t find it, please check your spam folder or contact us.
  • Subscriptions

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.